City of Portland Professional Workers Union
We are a group of City employees who have come together to form a union with our other non-represented colleagues. We are organizing together to have a voice in the workplace on issues that affect our work, our careers, our families, and our City.
The classifications currently included in the union are
Administrative Specialist I, II, III
Analyst I, II, III
Coordinator I, II, III
Environmental Regulatory Coordinator
Financial Analyst I, II, III
Multimedia Specialist
Technology Business Representative
If your classification is not listed here, get in touch – let’s figure out how to get you included!
The union is led by a volunteer committee of City of Portland employees – the Organizing Committee. You are the union – every eligible member is encouraged to join the Organizing Committee or get involved in the union organizing effort in some other way. We are stronger when we work together!
Executive Board
(Current Term from January 2024 – November 2026)
- President: Kari Koch
- Vice-President: David James
- Treasurer: Chris Gustafson
- Secretary: Jessica Irvine
- Chief Steward: Kevin Block
- Organizer: Annette Ramirez
- Board Member for the Portland Building: Vacant
- Board Member At-Large: Jay Richmond
- Board Member At-Large: Kimberly Campbell-Groen
The City of Portland Professional Workers Union (CPPW)
PO Box 8193
Portland, OR 97207