CPPW Constitution Enacted by the Members!

At the November 30th general membership meeting, the vote to enact the proposed Constitution & Bylaws was passed by a vote of 102-2 (98% in favor).  Voting took place over three days and the voting window closed during the meeting so that CPPW could announce the results to the members in attendance in real-time.

You can view the Constitution under the About Section of this website or view a printable copy [ HERE ].

In addition nominations were taken from the floor for officers and board members.  The election for these positions will be announced soon, so be on the lookout.  A candidates forum will also take place so that members can hear from those seeking election to CPPW offices.


Constitution & Bylaws: Membership Review & Vote

CPPW members:

The Constitution & Bylaws Committee has completed work on drafting our formation documents for the CPPW.  This step is the precursor to elections for our officers and board members.

The Organizing Committee has received the draft Constitution & Bylaws from the Committee and approved it for review and voting by the members.

Voting will take place electronically on November 28, 29, & 30th.  You will only be permitted to vote once and a link to vote will be sent to members in good standing on November 27th after 5 PM.

To ensure you’re a member in good standing, sign a membership card electronically [ HERE ].

• Click here to review the CPPW Constitution & Bylaws in PDF format.

Comments and suggestions can be provided on the Google Docs document [ HERE ].  We will close editing on Friday, November 17.

Elections will be announced once the Constitution is adopted and the Elections Committee is formed.

Become A Member!

Join The Union

Membership is the only thing that makes a union a Union!

By law, the City of Portland Professional Workers Union must represent and advocate all persons in our bargaining unit. However, only members in good standing receive all the benefits of the union. To become a member in good standing you must complete the form confirming your membership in the union.

Membership rights and duties include:

  • Contributing dues at an amount agreed upon by the membership.
  • Having a voice through participation in union decision making, voting on the contract and officers.
  • Representing the union as an officer, steward, serving on committees.

Most importantly, membership matters. The more people who become members, the stronger our union is and the more likely we will be to win a powerful contract with fair wages, working conditions, and strong protections for all of us.

Didn’t I Already Sign A Card?

Many of  us signed cards before our May election. Those were the petition to have an election to establish the CPPW as your union, which we of course, won overwhelmingly. Those petition cards do not count as a membership card, so we are back to starting from the beginning and signing you all up as members.

Note that signing the cards will obligate one to pay dues once those are established. By becoming a member you will have input on the decision on how much those dues will be. (Currently there are no dues.)