Category: Issues
2025-2026 City Budget Strategy from the Unified Voice of Portland’s Workforce
CPPW Solidarity with Immigrants statement
This statement was written by members of the City of Portland Professional Workers Union (CPPW) and has been endorsed by the CPPW Executive Board.
As an independent union representing public employees at the City of Portland, we stand in unwavering solidarity with our immigrant union siblings, colleagues, neighbors, and community members during this time of fear and uncertainty. Recent Trump Administration executive orders and policy directives authorizing mass deportations undermine our union’s values and threaten to do irreparable harm to our workplaces and our social fabric.
We see these attacks for what they are: racist attempts to profile and stigmatize a group of people who serve as scapegoats for those in power.
Portland is a city built on the hard work and resilience of immigrants from all backgrounds. Many Portlanders are immigrants and work to make the city that it is. As the front line of public sector workers, we are willing to fight to defend them. We proudly stand with the many immigrants in our ranks. Immigrants enrich our workplaces, strengthen our communities, and contribute immeasurably to the vibrant culture of our city.
We appreciate local and state leaders reaffirming our sanctuary laws. We condemn any policies or actions that seek to divide us, harm vulnerable people, or instill fear within immigrant communities. Deportation tears families apart. It is a nakedly racist attempt to disrupt communities and violate the basic human rights of individuals who deserve dignity and respect.
There is no room for racism in our union or the broader labor movement.
As public employees, we are committed to ensuring Portland remains a welcoming city for all. We will continue to support policies that protect immigrant rights, and we pledge to support immigrant union siblings, colleagues, neighbors, community members, and their families in every way we can. Whether through organizing, advocacy, or direct action, we will resist efforts to marginalize or harm any member of our community.
To our immigrant neighbors: You are not alone. We stand with you, shoulder to shoulder, in the fight for justice and equality. Together, we will continue to build a city where everyone can thrive, contribute, and feel safe.
In solidarity,
Economic Package Info Sessions
Negotiations are heating up and we will not settle for a weak contract!
Two information sessions for CPPW members this month to dig into the details of the proposals for your wages, compensation, and workplace protections.
We will also share a plan for what comes next and actions you can participate in to advocate for ourselves and each other.
Thursday, August 22, noon – 1pm, link to join Teams call
Wednesday, August 28, noon – 1pm, link to join Teams call
Reminder: the August general membership meeting is canceled so these session are the only places to get live updates this month!
All About Dues
Update (3/15/2024) – Great News! The City has finished processing our demand for interim dues and dues will begin being deducted from member’s paychecks on 3/21/2024.
A Message from Your Union Treasurer
Hello Union Siblings!
Dues are a crucial part of having a strong union – they allow us to pay for needed expenses, maintain an infrastructure, get the trainings we need to fight at the contract table, and have the resources to exercise our power. Most importantly, dues allow us all to contribute to building this union together.
Dues also generate a lot of questions! Let’s take a minute and dig into dues together.
What are CPPW dues right now?
In early December, with a vote of 91% in favor, the CPPW membership voted to institute flat interim dues of 0.5% of gross monthly salary as a temporary measure to raise money to fight for our first contract.
Why aren’t dues being taken out of my paycheck?
In late December, CPPW alerted the City that they should begin a dues paycheck deduction from all signed members in good standing as of 1/4/2024. Unfortunately, key City administrators say they need additional information from us in order to start the process. At the same time, those City administrators have not shown up to the scheduled meetings where we are supposed to be answering their questions. It is our legal right to fund our organization with interim dues from paycheck deductions. We will continue to press on this matter and will escalate as necessary to get this process going.
If the City is not taking any dues now, will there be any retroactive dues?
No. The CPPW membership will not be penalized for the City’s failure to deduct dues in a timely fashion.
Why do we need interim dues?
Traditional dues are implemented as part of a final contract with an employer. In the meantime, interim dues are essential to CPPW’s success in bargaining. Interim dues will pay for legal fees, administrative costs, printing, communications, technology, training fees, and more. A dues paying membership also demonstrates to the City that CPPW’s people support the union effort and are ready to back up that support with action!
What will dues be once we have a contract?
CPPW has designed a Progressive Dues structure which makes dues both affordable and equitable. This dues structure was codified in the Constitution and Bylaws, specifically Bylaw 2.
What are progressive dues?
Progressive Dues are a more fair and equitable dues structure where every person’s base, pre-tax wages are divided into brackets which correspond to a specific dues percentage. If, for example, a member made $50,000 or less annually their dues would be 0%, the next bracket ($50,000-$75,000) pays 1.45% on that $25,000 and so on.
To put progressive dues in context:
- Average CPPW Wage is $102,500 – dues at this wage would amount to .93% (less than 1% of your base wages)
- Highest CPPW wage is $163,321 – dues at this wage would amount to 1.75%
How does this compare to other Unions?
- AFSCME 189’s dues are a flat rate of 1.77% for all members.
- ProTec 17’s dues are a flat rate of .85% for all members.
How can I find out what my dues will be within the Progressive Dues structure?
CPPW has created a table to illustrate the dues percentage which corresponds to each income bracket. There’s a lot of great information in the table, this is what you’ll be looking at:
- Column 1: Annual Salary
- Column 2: Hourly Rate
- Column 3: Corresponding Dues Percentage
- Column 4: Amount of Dues Per Pay Period
- Column 5: Total Amount of Dues Per Year
CLICK HERE to view the Progressive Dues wage table where you can look up your dues amount.
If you have questions please do not hesitate to reach out to treasurer Chris Gustafson at: [email protected]