You should have gotten an email on Monday, June 17, 2024 inviting you to participate in a Classification and Compensation study.
This is a part of our contract bargaining.
You should have gotten an email on Monday, June 17, 2024 inviting you to participate in a Classification and Compensation study.
This is a part of our contract bargaining.
Then, it’s time to show the City that you are ready to do something about it!
The CPPW Contract Action Team is calling out all CPPW members to come join us and highlight our priorities and our collective power to the City!
Tuesday, May 21
CPPW will be providing lunch
Noon – 1pm (Note: New Time!)
Portland Building Room 217 for lunch, Room 216 for Bargaining
RSVP now to let us know you’ll come
or that you can’t be there in person but want the digital swag to support remotely.
Update about the changes to healthcare costs in FY2024-25. The $25 per month surcharge to Moda and Kaiser standard plants is not ideal, unfortunately, this was the best option of two bad options for the biggest number of CPPW members.
Labor Management Benefits Committee (LMBC) worked on the benefits plan for how to absorb the double-digit increases for the self-insured (Moda) and Kaiser plans, 11.9 and 14.1 percent increases, respectively. The LMBC was unable to come to consensus on a path forward leaving. The City proposed making adjustments to control their own costs by shifting more of the costs on to members through increased costs, increased deductibles, larger copays, and much higher out of pocket maximums.
Labor rallied together to mitigate costs to members and changes to healthcare coverage.
CPPW presented information about this healthcare change during the April 2024 general membership meeting. The City required all labor unions to sign on to the FY2024-25 surcharge in order to avoid potentially much larger and certainly more ambiguous changes to the healthcare coverage for City employees. CPPW leadership put the proposal for a $25 a month healthcare surcharge to a vote of the general membership at the April 2024 general membership meeting. General membership voted to approve signing the letter agreeing to the surcharge.
Next Steps
The LMBC will convene beginning in May 2024 to work to understand healthcare cost increases, mitigate costs while maintaining high quality, accessible, comprehensive healthcare coverage for members. Beginning this process now means we will have more time to develop strategies for addressing the healthcare cost crisis.
The Contract Action Team is a group of members that take action in the workplace to support bargaining.
Contract Action Team is open for members – we want at least one team member in every bureau!
What you’ll do:
Why this is important:
Email [email protected] or [email protected]
How this process works in 6 simple steps