CPPW Constitution Enacted by the Members!

At the November 30th general membership meeting, the vote to enact the proposed Constitution & Bylaws was passed by a vote of 102-2 (98% in favor).  Voting took place over three days and the voting window closed during the meeting so that CPPW could announce the results to the members in attendance in real-time.

You can view the Constitution under the About Section of this website or view a printable copy [ HERE ].

In addition nominations were taken from the floor for officers and board members.  The election for these positions will be announced soon, so be on the lookout.  A candidates forum will also take place so that members can hear from those seeking election to CPPW offices.


Layoffs, budget cuts, & the union

Updated: City Council passed a tentative 2023-24 budget on May 17th that put more than 100 jobs at risk of layoff in bureaus funded by fees. Mayor Wheeler proposed last minute rollbacks of fee and utility costs that will mean budget cuts and likely layoffs. Read OPB’s coverage here.

CPPW is asking – how can we preserve services and support the people who make this city work? With our strong union, we can push back against Council’s bad budget decisions and will have more protections during layoffs than we have alone.

Continue reading Layoffs, budget cuts, & the union

Member Question: Management Leave

The current system of Management Leave is mysterious, confusing, and inequitable. We can do better!

Management Leave is a City policy (HRAR 8.03) that grants up to 80 hours of additional paid leave per calendar year to non-represented employees “who are not eligible for overtime compensation” with the intent to “recognize exceptional additional individual efforts, performance, and achievements, including but not limited to beyond the standard workweek.”

Management Leave can be granted to non-represented employees at the discretion of their supervisor and bureau director. In practice, a small number of employees get the full 80 hours of additional leave each year. Some of us get less than 80 hours a year. Some of us are denied Management Leave altogether. And others have never known that getting Management Leave is an option. 

Continue reading Member Question: Management Leave