The consultant running the study, Evergreen, is asking you to fill out a Job Assessment Tool (JAT!) and a Virtual Survey – please do both before July 19th
Update: We’ve just heard that the deadline has been extended to July 31, 2024!
Want a visual? Access the recording of the CPPW Info Session on 7/10/24.
Important Distinction: Class Spec vs Position Description
Classification Specification:
In the JAT, the consultants provide you with a link to your classification specification and ask you to inform them about which tasks from the document you do or don’t do.
Find your class spec on the City website here. Broad, right? This is not enough information to describe your work.
Position Description (PD):
CPPW is encouraging every member to use their Position Description to describe their work and after filling out the JAT, email your Position Description to the consultants directly at
How to find your PD?
- The PD may be the language used in the recruitment for your current position on GovernmentJobs.
- You might have written your PD if you have been in your current position since the class comp study of 2018/2019.
- Email your HRBP and ask “Can you send me my Position Description, please”.
- If you can’t find it – this is the moment to write your own using the tools below.
How to Write a Position Description:
Use these tools and worksheet to create a robust and detailed description of your particular work. Be sure to focus on the specifics of what you do and the expertise that is required by your work.
Do not focus on what you *might* do or what you *could* do, but just what you actually do.