The City of Portland Professional Workers Union
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Article I: Name
Section 1: Affiliations
Article II: Vision and Values; Purpose and Objectives
Section 1: Vision and Values
Section 2: Purpose and Objectives
Article III: Membership and Dues
Section 1: Eligibility.
Section 2: Application for Membership.
Section 3: Dues.
Section 4: Dues Interval.
Subsection 4.1: Payroll Deduction
Article IV: Organization
Section 1: Structure.
Subsection 1.1: Temporary Appointments
Section 2: Officers of the Executive Board.
Section 3: Elections and Appointments.
Section 3a: Eligibility.
Section 3b: Voting.
Section 3c: The Election Committee.
Section 3d: Vacancies.
Section 3e: Impeachments, Removal from Office for Cause
Section 4: Terms of Office.
Section 4a: Term limits.
Section 5: Powers and Duties.
Section 5a: The President.
Section 5b: The Vice President.
Section 5c: The Secretary.
Section 5d: The Treasurer.
Section 5e: The Chief Steward.
Section 5f: The Chief Union Organizer.
Section 5g: Board Members.
5g.1: Number of Board Members.
5g.2: Board Member Representative Geography
Section 5h: The Election Committee.
Section 6: Standing Committees.
Section 6a: Recommended Standing Committees.
Section 7: Governing Rules.
Section 7a: Attendance.
Section 7b: Agency Prohibition.
Section 7c: Shop Stewards.
Article V: Meetings
Section 1: Membership Meetings.
Section 2: Other Meetings; Special Meetings.
Section 3: General or Special Meeting Quorum.
Section 4: Parliamentary Procedure.
Article VI: Enactment and Modification
Section 1: Adoption and Ratification.
Section 1a: Review.
Section 2: Amending the Constitution.
Bylaw 1: Modification of Bylaws.
Bylaw 2: Membership Dues
Bylaw 3: Standing Committees
- Budget Committee
- Political Action Committee
- Constitution, Bylaws, and Policies Committee
- Communications Committee
- Steward Education Committee
- Contract Negotiations / Bargaining Committee
- Operations and Technology Committee
Bylaw 4: Membership Assistance
Bylaw 5: Code of Conduct for all Meetings
Bylaw 6: Indemnification of Board Members
Enacted: November 30, 2023
This constitution is established by the professional workers of the City of Portland, seeking the protections of union membership, contract, and of state and federal labor law. This constitution is established under the laws of the State of Oregon and the relevant federal statutes governing labor unions.
Article I: Name
The name of this organization shall be The City of Portland Professional Workers Union. The abbreviated or common-use name will be CPPW.
Section 1: Affiliations
The City of Portland Professional Workers Union is not affiliated with any other unions at the time of ratification of this Constitution.
The City of Portland Professional Workers Union can choose by majority vote to associate with other unions through a simple majority vote of the membership, but creating such an affiliation does not nullify this Constitution.
Article II: Vision and Values; Purpose and Objectives
Section 1: Vision and Values
The vision and values of this union seek to foster, demonstrate, and cultivate in our operations the following:
- Collaboration over hierarchy whenever possible;
- Inclusivity, diversity, and equity as core values;
- We believe in working collaboratively so that the CPPW effectively recognizes each of our voices and needs;
- We will push back against inequities in the workforce and advocate for better wages, safer work conditions, and create environments in which individuals and families thrive.
- Dismantle unjust systems, policy, and practices that further perpetuates inequities;
- Ensure every member feels heard, and is not lost in the “we”;
- Encourage and promote a culture of dignity and respect and ensure respectful treatment of our members, both at work and within the union;
- We will seek to to understand the different experiences and perspectives of all members and include that in our policymaking;
- Recognize that each of us has our own histories and experiences, that may differ from one another, and that each person is deserving of respect and having their humanity recognized;
- Create spaces in the union and workplace where everyone feels welcomed, valued, and able to contribute;
- Create an environment that encourages strengths and recognizes the uniqueness of each member;
- Be courageous in what we believe is right and equitable, rather than what is easy and most popular. Where appropriate, embrace discomfort around issues of contention – it is here that we have opportunities for progress. Taking the easy way out is not always the best way, even if it’s to keep the peace. Respect and discomfort can and should coexist;
- Work to ensure every person seeking to have a voice has the space to use it;
- Recognize that union members represent a range of races and ethnicities, gender identities, sexual orientations, abilities, spiritual beliefs, generations, and socioeconomic backgrounds. There is strength in diversity and ensuring that all voices are heard and have a seat at the table will ensure a strong, effective union.
Section 2: Purpose and Objectives
The purpose of this union shall be to carry out the following objectives:
- To advocate for working conditions, rates of pay, benefits, and pensions for our members by negotiating and enforcing strong contracts.
- To build and model workplace democracy and sustain respectful workplace environments. To confront and challenge when employees are treated without respect, inappropriately, or illegally.
- To provide excellent service to the public for the work our members do on behalf of the City in a way that honors the taxpayer dollars spent on such services.
- To have an inclusive union with members who are engaged in an effective structure.
- To promote open communication, including the utilization of modern information technology systems of communication (e.g. text messaging, email, chat rooms, et al.).
- To be a positive presence in the community where we work, live, and play.
- To be informed and active in politics, as they impact workers in both local, state, national, and international issues and campaigns.
Article III: Membership and Dues
Section 1: Eligibility
All employees of the City of Portland, Oregon within the job classifications listed below are eligible for membership in this union.
The following classifications are within the scope of the CPPW’s ambit:
All non-supervisory staff within:
- The Administrative Specialist Series (I-III);
- The Analyst Series (I-III);
- The Financial Analyst Series (I-III);
- The Coordinator Series (I-III);
- The Environmental Regulatory Coordinator Series (I-III);
- The Media Specialist Series (I-III);
- and any non-supervisory, professional workers not covered by a union contract that obtain legal recognition through the National Labor Relations Board, Oregon Employment Relations Board, or other legally authorized entity able to grant inclusion.
Members who resign from the City, are promoted into management, or laterally transfer into classifications not covered by the CPPW are no longer eligible for membership.
Section 2: Application for Membership
Application for membership shall be made on a standard application form. Unless such a form includes a valid authorization for payroll deduction of dues, the application shall be accompanied by the current month’s dues.
Section 3: Dues
The membership dues for the union are established by a vote of the union’s Executive Board and ratified by a majority of the membership in attendance at a general membership meeting which shall then be negotiated into the current contract with the City. Changes to this amount shall be voted on by the Executive Board and will modify Bylaw 2: Membership Dues.
The dues shall be based on the base pay of the member and exclude overtime and other differential pay (i.e., shift, lead, bilingual, out-of-class, or other differentials not listed).
The amount of dues shall be set by the Bylaws, Section 2, noted below.
There is no minimum dues amount.
There shall be a monthly cap of two percent of gross income for dues. This cap can be changed only through a majority vote of the Executive Board which shall then be negotiated into the current contract with the City.
Section 4: Dues Interval
Subsection 4.1: Payroll Deduction
Upon written or electronic request from an employee (signature of a union membership card authorizing union dues payroll deductions), union dues shall be deducted semi-monthly from each member’s payroll check in equal parts which will total the monthly amount set forth in the Bylaws, Section 2, noted below.
Article IV: Organization
Section 1: Structure
The City of Portland Professional Workers union shall be a democratic organization with elected officers, voting on policy and procedure, and shall never defer to a single leader without the voting input of either the elected Executive Board or the membership or both.
Subsection 1.1: Temporary Appointments
Appointment of officers, board members, or other representatives of the union shall be forbidden except in cases of unexpected vacancy subsequent to an election; or when no CPPW member runs for an office. The Executive Board shall be permitted to temporarily appoint a member in good standing to fill a vacancy. Temporary appointments shall last only for a month. Confirmation of a temporary appointment must be accomplished by a vote of the membership in attendance at a general membership meeting. Once confirmed by a vote the temporary appointment becomes permanent. Other members may run against the appointed candidate at the general membership meeting whereby the confirmation vote is to take place.
Section 2: Officers of the Executive Board
The officers of this union shall be a president, a vice president, a secretary, a treasurer, a chief steward, a chief union organizer, and voting board members of three union members in good standing. Collectively these officers and voting members are the Executive Board.
The three (3) Executive Board members may be from any represented bureau at the City, but the stated constitutional preference is that the union membership should seek candidates from a variety of bureaus rather than 5 board members, for example, from a single bureau.
Section 3: Elections and Appointments
All Executive Board members and officers are elected by the membership at large.
At the adoption and ratification of this constitution by the CPPW membership, the election may be held upon a date of the Organizing Committee’s choosing, to be completed not longer than 6 months after this constitution and bylaws are adopted. The procedures for the election and every election thereafter shall follow the provisions outlined below. The timing shall follow the dates and times indicated below after the first election is completed, even if that timing shortens the term of service for the first elected officers and Executive Board members.
Nominations shall be made at a regular monthly membership meeting in September or at a special membership meeting before September if called. At least fifteen (15) days notice shall be given to the membership prior to the nominating meeting and nominations shall be made from the floor at that meeting. All regular elections shall be held in the month of November. It is permissible for members to nominate themselves.
All elected officers shall be installed immediately upon acceptance of the Election Committee’s general report.
Section 3a: Eligibility
To be eligible for Executive Board office a member must be in good standing for six months preceding the election and be employed within the jurisdiction of this union; except at the time of this Constitution’s ratification whereby the time requirement is suspended to formally establish officers and board members. Employees who have schedules with regular layoffs shall be considered to be in good standing upon payment of dues at reinstatement of employment after a layoff.
Section 3b: Voting
Officers and Executive Board members shall be elected by secret ballot and the balloting shall be conducted to afford all members reasonable opportunity to vote. At least fifteen (15) days notice shall be given to the membership prior to the holding of the elections.
Electronic voting for elections of the Officers and Executive Board is permitted only if done via a process which guarantees that member identities can be confirmed, the vote can be audited if necessary, and the votes once cast as incapable of being changed. Any electronic vote found to violate this provision shall result in a re-vote being called by the president and Executive Board to be conducted by paper ballot at the union location designated by the Executive Board.
Voting by members for any issue put to the membership may only be voted on by dues-paying members in good standing.
Section 3c: The Election Committee
All elections shall be overseen by, tabulated by, and confirmed by an Election Committee. The Election Committee shall be composed of five (5) members in good standing.
Section 3d: Vacancies
Vacancies in office shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term by vote of the general membership, at the next monthly meeting, as provided by this article. For temporary appointments, see Article IV, Subsection 1.1 above.
Section 3e: Impeachments, Removal from Office for Cause
3e.1: Recall proceedings against an Executive Board member (including officers) may be initiated for just cause by a petition signed by two-thirds of the members of the Executive Board or by not less than15% of the regular members (card-signed members in good standing). The recall petition shall be presented to the Secretary or to the vice president if the Secretary is the subject of the petition. A successful petition shall deem the Executive Board member in question impeached subject to a vote of the general membership.
3e.2: Recall proceedings shall require that written notification of intent to proceed, including all charges and an invitation to respond, be delivered to the impeached Executive Board member. The Executive Board member’s response, if any, must be returned in writing to the Executive Board within ten (10) working days of receipt of notification.
3e.3: The Executive Board shall conduct a hearing, open to the membership, within ten (10) working days after the response period has expired. The initial charges and the response, if any, shall be read and any further explanation by either side may be heard.
3e.4: After this hearing, a vote shall be conducted by the general membership at a special recall meeting called by the Executive Board pursuant to these provisions.
3e.5: If a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the eligible members in attendance of the recall meeting approves the recall then the Executive Board member shall be immediately removed from office and a special election shall be held to fill the vacancy.
3e.6: The required quorum for the recall meeting shall be not less than 12% of the general membership. Failure to meet the quorum will result in rescheduling of the recall meeting until a quorum of the general membership is met.
3e.6: If the general membership fails to approve the recall then the recall petition shall be considered null and void.
Section 4: Terms of Office
Officers (president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, chief steward, chief union organizer) are elected for two-year terms. Board Members are elected for two-year terms. Election Committee members are elected for one-year terms.
Section 4a: Term limits.
Once elected to an officer or Executive Board position, the member elected may be reelected two more times for a total consecutive term of service of six years. The member shall not be eligible to run for an officer or Executive Board position again for a period of two years.
Members elected to the Executive Board as an officer or board member that do not reach six years of service, are not limited as noted above and may run for office again at any time.
Illustrative Examples:
Example 1: Jane Doe is elected president. She runs a second time and is elected. She runs a third time and is elected. At the conclusion of her sixth year of service, she may not run for reelection to any officer or board member position for two years.
Example 2: John Doe is elected treasurer. He runs a second time and is elected. He does not run for a third term. After two years he runs again for treasurer in year six and is elected. He runs again, in year eight, and is elected. He may run one more time for treasurer in year ten because the break in year four did not trigger the term-limit clause.
Section 5: Powers and Duties
The powers and duties of the Officers, Executive Board, and Election Committee are noted below.
Section 5a: The President
The president shall:
- Be the official spokesperson for the union for all matters unless he/she/they appoints a designee;
- Preside at all meetings of the local union and Executive Board;
- Adjudicate any disputes during all meetings;
- Be a member of all committees except the Election Committee;
- Countersign all checks drawn against the funds of the union;
- Appoint all Chairs of standing committees and all special committees of the local, subject to the approval of the Executive Board;
- Appoint or terminate all shop stewards, chief stewards, the webmaster, and any other non-elected official working on behalf of the union with the approval of the Executive Board.
Section 5b: The Vice President
The vice president shall:
- Assist the president in the work of the president’s office;
- In the absence of the president or in the president’s inability to serve, preside at all meetings and perform all duties otherwise performed by the president;
- Be authorized to act as co-signer of checks drawn on the funds in place of either the president or the secretary, or the treasurer.
- In the event of a tie vote of the Executive Board, the VP shall have power to break the tie by casting a decisive vote.
Section 5c: The Secretary
The secretary shall:
- Keep a record of the proceedings of all membership meetings and all Executive Board meetings. Records shall include a vote tally for all motions, including emergency motions.
- Carry on the official correspondence of the union, except as the Executive Board may direct otherwise;
- Perform such other duties as the Executive Board may require;
- Be authorized to be a co-signer of checks drawn on the funds of the union in place of either the president, the vice president, or the treasurer;
- Prepare and submit monthly minutes of the general membership and Executive Board meetings at the following monthly general membership meeting for approval by the membership;
- Keep electronic and paper copies of all approved minutes in the union office.
Section 5d: The Treasurer
The treasurer shall:
- Receive and receipt for all money of the union;
- Deposit all money received in the name of the union in a bank, banks, or credit union(s) selected by the Executive Board, and money deposited shall be withdrawn only by check signed by two of the following officers: president, vice president, treasurer, or secretary;
- Prepare and sign checks for such purposes as are required by the constitution or are authorized by the membership or the Executive Board;
- Prepare and submit a monthly financial report to the Executive Board;
- Shall serve as the vice-chair of a Budget Committee, if formed;
- Keep an accurate record of receipts and disbursements and shall, once each month, submit to the membership a monthly operating statement of the financial transactions of the union for the previous month;
- Act as custodian for all properties of the union;
- See that any financial reports required by law be submitted properly and timely;
- Prepare all U.S. Department of Labor reports as required.
Section 5e: The Chief Steward
The chief steward shall:
- Organize the structure and operation of the CPPW stewards in the bureaus;
- Provide steward training at least three times per year (whether conducted by the CPPW or in cooperation with a partner union or agency);
- Keep a record of all union stewards;
- Advise stewards and members about union activities;
- Conduct regular meetings with stewards;
- Coordinate grievance handling with the stewards;
- Make recommendations to the Executive Board on actions to be taken which require a vote in relation to grievances (e.g. file a lawsuit, demand arbitration, et al.);
- Recruit new stewards;
- Ensure stewards are posting/communicating relevant information on workers’ rights within their work areas.
Section 5f: The Chief Union Organizer
The chief union organizer shall:
- Manage voter contact strategy if working on an authorized political campaign;
- Organize phone banks, get-out-the-vote canvasses, and visibility events such as campaign rallies;
- Organize our members for authorized political action events;
- Develop organizing strategy with leadership and other organizers;
- Function as the chair of the communications committee, unless otherwise directed by the Executive Committee.
Section 5g: Board Members
5g.1: Number of Board Members.
There shall be 3 at-large board members in addition to the Officers making the total composition of the board nine (9) voting members. As noted in the powers of the vice president, votes of the Executive Board resulting in a tie are broken by the vice president.
5g.2: Board Member Representative Geography
Board members are voting members of the Executive Board. Board members are responsible for keeping members in their City work unit informed of the work of the union and reporting back the needs and concerns of the members they represent.
The three board members shall be allocated according to work location or at large (not by bureau or division):
Board Member 1: The Portland Building
Board Member 2: At-Large
Board Member 3: At-Large
Section 5h: The Election Committee.
Members can be nominated by any member in good standing. These members are voted on by the Executive Board.
The Election Committee nominations are taken in August and the vote by the Executive Board is conducted no later than 15 days after the nominating meeting has concluded.
If fewer than five members are nominated for The Election Committee, a new call for nominations shall be made by the president or Executive Board until all five positions are filled.
The Election Committee shall:
- Be present for all nominating meetings for election of officers and board members;
- Keep accurate records of nominations;
- Keep accurate records of votes taken;
- Preserve all voting records;
- Prevent interference in voting by current Executive Board members and/or general members;
- Remain silent during elections on which person they are going to vote for during the election;
- Make certain all voting records are easily auditable and securely stored (whether paper, electronic, or both).
Section 6: Standing Committees
The union may form standing committees at the direction and discretion of the Executive Board. Standing Committees duration coincide with the board member terms of one year.
At the end of one year, standing committees are automatically renewed unless the Executive Board disbands them by a majority vote.
At the end of the year, standing committee members are appointed by the Executive Board and confirmed by a majority vote of the Executive Board.
The Executive Board appoints members of the standing committees, determines the size of the committees (no fewer than three (3) members), and establishes what authority they have (which shall not exceed the authority of any officer or assume any power designated to an officer).
Section 6a: Recommended Standing Committees
The smooth and efficient operation of a union is often accomplished through the work of membership-staffed committees. The following committees are recommended. This list is not exhaustive:
- Budget;
- Political Action;
- Constitution, Bylaws, and Policies;
- Communications;
- Steward Education;
- Contract Negotiations / Bargaining;
- Operations and Technology.
The standing committees will be governed by and report to the Executive Board. The standing committees regulatory framework will be outlined in the Bylaws, below.
Section 7: Governing Rules
All actions of the Executive Board are subject to the approval, or rejection, of the general membership in attendance at that meeting, excepting those matters that have been deemed to be an emergency by a two-thirds (⅔) vote of the board members present at that Executive Board meeting. A majority of the Executive Board shall be required for a quorum.
Section 7a: Attendance
Elected officers and Executive Board members shall be obligated to attend all regular and special Executive Board meetings and all regular and special general membership meetings.
Except when necessary to conduct other union business, no officer or Executive Board member, unless excused for illness or FMLA, work, or scheduled vacation, shall be absent for more than three (3) meetings during that person’s term of office. Elected officers and Executive Board members shall notify the secretary and treasurer at least 24-hours prior to the scheduled meeting of their absence whenever possible.
Section 7b: Agency Prohibition
Except to the extent specified in this constitution, no officer of the union shall individually have the power to act as agent for or otherwise bind the union in any way whatsoever. No member or group of members or other person or persons shall have the power to act on behalf of or otherwise bind the union or by the Executive Board of the union.
Section 7c: Shop Stewards
Shop Stewards shall be appointed by the president and shall be obligated to attend all Shop Steward meetings and all regular and special general membership meetings.
Any Shop Steward absent for more than three (3) meetings within a one (1) year period, may be subject to removal at the discretion of the president. Shop Stewards are expected to attend on-going steward training offered by the union or the Labor Education Resource Center (LERC) on a regular basis.
One steward from each bureau/department or contracted agencies shall be selected to serve as chief steward and shall carry out such duties and responsibilities assigned by the president and approved by the Executive Board.
Article V: Meetings
Section 1: Membership Meetings
General Membership Meetings are to be held monthly from January through November, unless otherwise suspended by a vote of the membership, at a time and place to be fixed by the membership, the Executive Board, or the president.
Section 2: Other Meetings; Special Meetings
Special meetings may be called by the union president, the Executive Board, or by petition filed with the president and signed by 2% of the dues-paying members of the local. A petition shall call for a special meeting, shall name a date and the items to be discussed which shall be no sooner than 15 days subsequent to the filing and the president shall issue a call to the members.
Special meetings may also be called by the president of the union or the Executive Board.
Section 3: General or Special Meeting Quorum
Twenty dues-paying members shall constitute a quorum at any regular or special meeting of the union.
Section 4: Parliamentary Procedure
Conduct of the meetings shall use Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised, unless by a vote at the start of any meeting the majority of the Executive Board votes in favor of suspension.
If a dispute arises as to any vote, action, or debate during a meeting during a suspension of Robert’s Rules of Order, then those rules will automatically be caused to come back into effect and the president or presiding officer of the meeting shall restart discussion on the issue in dispute according to the rules and will adjudicate any further disputes. The presiding officer’s decision on any dispute will be final unless the issue is tabled for a vote by the presiding officer.
Article VI: Enactment and Modification
Section 1: Adoption and Ratification
Upon union formation, this constitution shall be submitted to a vote of the employees who signed cards for the formation of a union. By simple majority vote this constitution will come into force and effect.
Section 1a: Review.
This constitution shall be reviewed at least once every five years. Modification shall be accomplished in the methods outlined below.
Section 2: Amending the Constitution
The constitution may be amended, revised, or otherwise changed by a majority vote of the members voting on such a proposed change. Proposed amendments or changes to this constitution shall follow this process:
STEP 1: A proposed change is read at a regular General Membership meeting by a member. The proposed amendment shall be sent to the Constitution Committee, unless the proposed amendment originated from the Constitution Committee.
STEP 2: The Constitution Committee is convened to review the proposed amendment, and prepare draft language.
STEP 3: When the proposed amendment language has been prepared by the Constitution Committee, at least fifteen (15) days advance notice shall be given to the membership (including all bargaining units) prior to the regular General Membership meeting where the proposed amendment language will be read. Proposed amendment language shall be provided at time of notice, and the Constitution Committee shall present the proposed amendment language to the membership at the meeting.
STEP 4: Prior to a subsequent General Membership meeting, at least fifteen (15) days advance notice shall be given to the membership (including all bargaining units) of an upcoming vote. Proposed amendment language shall be provided at time of notice, and the Constitution Committee shall again present the proposed amendment language to the membership at this subsequent meeting. A verified quorum of members is required for all votes in STEP 4.
- The membership shall take action through a simple majority vote to do one of the following with the proposed amendment language:
- Send back to the Constitution Committee for further revision (then start with STEP 2 above).
- Approve for ballot box vote.
- Additionally, it may be moved that the proposed amendment be made a Special Order
at the next regular General Membership meeting, and bypass the ballot box vote.
Passage of this Special Order requires a two thirds (⅔) vote of the members voting, and passage of the proposed amendment at the next regular General Membership meeting also requires a two thirds (⅔) vote of the members voting.
STEP 5: If approved for ballot in STEP 4, a date shall be set for a ballot box vote. At least fifteen (15) days advance notice shall be given to the membership (including all bargaining units) prior to the ballot box vote. Proposed amendment language shall be provided at time of notice.
STEP 6: The ballot box vote shall be conducted by the Elections Committee, using the method defined by the union’s policies and bylaws, using a simple majority vote of the members voting. A copy of the proposed amendment language shall be furnished to every eligible voter at the time of voting.
STEP 7: Results of the ballot box vote shall be announced to the membership without delay, and the revised Constitution published for the membership on the union’s website with physical copies available to review at the union office.
Bylaw 1: Modification of Bylaws.
The bylaws of the City of Portland Professional Workers union shall be modifiable by a simple majority vote of the Executive Board where a quorum is present.
A quorum for the Executive Board is a majority of the members present at the meeting whether in person or attending via telepresence.
Bylaw 2: Membership Dues
Dues shall be deducted from members who have signed a payroll deduction card. CPPW acknowledges that a flat dues structure faces the same inherent inequity as a flat tax system in that the burden is shifted to those least able to pay. In an effort to address this inequity, CPPW is adopting a progressive dues structure in which the percentage and amount of dues paid is commensurate with the member’s compensation.
A progressive dues structure involves a rate that increases (progresses) as salary increases. This is achieved by creating brackets that group members’ income into ranges.
The initial brackets have been set to comply with the following goals:
- Percentage paid a member with the average salary is approximately 1.0%.
- The percentage paid by the highest compensated members will be approximately 1.7% (the dues percentage for AFSCME 189).
- The total revenue generated is enough to fund annual requirements estimated in the pro forma budget.
Annual Salary $84,000
Bracket 1 – 0%, $0 – $50K = $0 in annual dues for bracket 1
Bracket 2 – 1.45%, $50K – $75K = $25,000 X 1.45% = $362.50 in annual dues for bracket 2
Bracket 3 – 2.05%, $75K – $100K = $9,000 X 2.05% = $184.50 in annual dues for bracket 3
Total Annual Dues = $362.50 + $184.50 = $547.00
Annual Dues Percentage = $547.00/$84,000 = .65%
Dues payment per check = $547.00/26 = $21.04
Annual Salary $115,000
Bracket 1 – 0%, $0 – $50K = $0 in annual dues for bracket 1
Bracket 2 – 1.45%, $50K – $75K = $25,000 X 1.45% = $362.50 in annual dues for bracket 2
Bracket 3 – 2.05%, $75K – $100K = $25,000 X 2.05% = $512.50 in annual dues for bracket 3
Bracket 4 – 3.05%, $100K – $125K = $15,000 X 3.05% = $457.50 in annual dues for bracket 4
Total Annual Dues = $362.50 + $512.50 + $457.50 = $1332.50
Annual Dues Percentage = $1332.50/$115,000 = 1.16%
Dues payment per check =$1332.50/26 = $51.25
Annual Salary $155,000
Bracket 1 – 0%, $0 – $50K = $0 in annual dues for bracket 1
Bracket 2 – 1.45%, $50K – $75K = $25,000 X 1.45% = $362.50 in annual dues for bracket 2
Bracket 3 – 2.05%, $75K – $100K = $25,000 X 2.05% = $512.50 in annual dues for bracket 3
Bracket 4 – 3.05%, $100K – $125K = $25,000 X 3.05% = $762.50 in annual dues for bracket 4
Bracket 5 – 3.20%, $125K – Up = $30,000 X 3.20% = $960.00 in annual dues for bracket 5
Total Annual Dues = $362.50 + $512.50 + $762.50 + $960.00 = $2,597.50
Annual Dues Percentage = $2,597.50/$155,000 = 1.68%
Dues payment per check = $2597.50/26 = $99.90
Members in good standing who have a medical crisis, personal difficulty, or other burden that may make paying dues too difficult may request suspension of dues payments for a period of time by asking for such a suspension during new business in the Executive Board meeting. See Bylaw 4 for specific rules.
After the Executive Board adjusts the dues in an Executive Board meeting, the changes are to be ratified at the next general membership meeting by a simple majority of those members in good standing in attendance.
Bylaw 3: Standing Committees
The CPPW shall have the following standing committees:
- Budget;
- Political Action;
- Constitution, Bylaws, and Policies;
- Communications;
- Steward Education;
- Contract Negotiations / Bargaining;
- Operations and Technology.
Each committee shall consist of not fewer than three union members in good standing, with one member functioning as Chair. Committees may not be larger than 12 members. The Chair can break ties in the event of a tie vote on a committee with an even number of members.
The mandate of each committee shall be prescribed by the Executive Board at the time of formation. In the absence of a specified mandate, the following responsibilities shall be the mandate of each committee:
Budget Committee
The Budget Committee shall monitor and audit the financial records and statements of the union’s bank accounts and other financial instruments, investments, and property.
The Budget Committee shall ensure the treasurer and Executive Board are following proper accounting procedures and fulfilling their fiduciary responsibilities to the union while they are in office.
The Budget Committee shall make recommendations to the Executive Board on changes in spending, investment, or other purchasing activities.
Political Action Committee
The Political Action Committee shall undertake campaigning on the issues identified by the Executive Board for the current board’s term. Budget, activities, and lobbying efforts to be assigned and specified by the Executive Board.
Constitution, Bylaws, and Policies Committee
The Constitution Committee shall examine the existing governing documents for omissions, improvements, or updates that may be beneficial to implement.
At a minimum, the Constitution Committee must file a report with the Executive Board every five years indicating either A) no changes needed at this time or B) a list of recommended modifications to the Constitution, Bylaws, or both.
Communications Committee
The Communications Committee is responsible for coordinating, overseeing, and executing the communications plan of the Executive Board.
The media used for union communications can be any and all types as authorized by the Executive Board.
A member of this committee shall be designated as the Webmaster and there must always be an administrative backup to the Webmaster to ensure continuity of operations and to prevent a single member from taking control of the site without consent.
If the Executive Board chooses to assign an officer to communicate on behalf of the union, this committee is suspended until the next election.
Steward Education Committee
The Steward Education Committee shall be responsible for maintaining regular steward training sessions and a library of information for stewards to access.
There will be not fewer than three steward training events per year. Training through labor partners or other unions is acceptable.
This committee may not be suspended by the Executive Board and must always be operational in order to fully and effectively support our stewards and efforts to protect our members under our contract.
Contract Negotiations / Bargaining Committee
The Contract Negotiations / Bargaining Committee is composed of members who draft contract provisions for bargaining; get approval of the provisions for negotiation from the Executive Board and, when appropriate, the general membership; and engage with the City of Portland in negotiating a fair and equitable contract for our members.
Not all members of the committee will negotiate with the City, but all members will be involved in drafting contract provisions.
This committee may not be suspended by the Executive Board and must always be operational in order to fully and effectively support our members.
In the years between contracts, this committee will examine what is working, what is not, and what must be changed in a future contract, providing periodic reports to the Executive Board and the general membership.
Operations and Technology Committee
The Operations and Technology Committee shall create administrative and technological processes that efficiently and effectively enable the union to operate.
This committee may not be suspended by the Executive Board and must always be operational in order to fully and effectively support our members.
Bylaw 4: Membership Assistance
Members in good standing who are in medical, financial, or other dire need may apply to the Executive Board for financial assistance on a temporary basis.
Financial assistance to a member may be in an amount determined by the good judgment of the Executive Board, but may not exceed $5,000 as a lump sum or $10,000 in recurring assistance.
No financial assistance to a member may be permitted if such assistance puts the CPPW in financial distress or danger as determined by the treasurer.
Recurring assistance may be authorized for a period of six months and can be renewed by the Executive Board.
Bylaw 5: Code of Conduct for all Meetings
In addition to the use of Robert’s Rules of Order for the operation of meetings, the following codes of conduct shall be observed at all meetings (general membership, Executive Board meetings, special meetings, et al.):
Expected Behavior:
- Treat each other with respect and consideration, valuing a diversity of views and opinions;
- Behave in a professional manner;
- Communicate openly, critiquing ideas rather than individuals;
- Be kind to others, do not insult or put down other members;
- Be polite and respectful in any CPPW forum (whether online or in person).
Unacceptable and Sanctionable Behavior:
Inappropriate behavior and harassment of meeting participants in any form will not be tolerated. These include but are not limited to:
- Offensive verbal comments related to gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, national origin, or religion;
- Inappropriate use of sexual language, nudity, and/or sexual images in meetings or presentations;
- Deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, bullying, discrimination, photography, or recording without consent;
- Sustained disruption of speakers during meetings, interruptions during presentations, or other confrontational actions that disrupt CPPW meetings and/or speakers;
- Online trolling/harassment of other members is not permitted;
- Online trolling/harassment of anyone outside of the union in the union’s name is forbidden and can result in expulsion from the union;
- Sharing connection information to any union platforms with non-registered, non-members is forbidden;
- Copying, redistributing, or using data from presentations without permission from the authors or leaders of the CPPW is forbidden;
- Unauthorized access or malicious changes to the CPPW website, communication tools, or any related systems is forbidden.
Any member alleged to have violated any of the stated codes of conduct (or actions not listed but egregious, hurtful, or damaging in any way) may be sanctioned by the Executive Board after a hearing at a General Membership meeting.
Any member in good standing may report to the Executive Board a violation of these rules including members of the Executive Board itself.
The Executive Board will then schedule an item on a general membership meeting agenda to discuss the issue. The alleged offending member will be notified to attend to defend themselves along with the member reporting the behavior. After both sides present their facts to the Executive Board the board shall vote on whether the allegation is deemed proved or unproved. If proved, the Executive Board may sanction the member.
The Executive Board may take, after an allegation is deemed proved, by a simple majority vote, the following disciplinary actions to safeguard the proper and efficient operation of the union and the protection of its members:
- Reprimand the member in writing and demand cessation of activities;
- Suspend the member for a period of time not to exceed 6 months and/or issue a fine of not more than $100;
- Expel the member in the case of repeated violations or violations so egregious as to “shock the conscious” of a reasonable person.
- Expulsions may be permanent or for a period of not less than 2 years as voted on by the Executive Board.
The Executive Board may also choose, at its discretion, to refer a member for a disciplinary vote consistent with the principles above to a vote by the general membership at a general membership meeting.
Bylaw 6: Indemnification of Board Members
6(a): Indemnification of Board Members.
The Union shall indemnify and hold harmless each person who serves on the Executive Board of the Union (hereinafter referred to as “Board Member”) from and against any and all claims, liabilities, obligations, losses, damages, penalties, fines, judgments, settlements, costs, charges, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses) (collectively, “Losses”) incurred or suffered by such Board Member in connection with or arising out of any action, suit, proceeding, or investigation (whether civil, criminal, administrative, or investigative) by or against such a Board Member acting in their official capacity, whether or not such Board Member is ultimately found liable, provided that such Board Member acted in good faith and in a manner such Board Member reasonably believed to be in the best interests of the Union and within the scope of such Board Member’s duties as set forth in these Bylaws or as otherwise delegated by the Executive Board.
6(b): Exclusion.
The foregoing indemnification shall not be applicable to the extent that a Board Member’s Losses arise out of such Board Member’s willful misconduct, gross negligence, or intentional violation of the law.
6(c): Obligation to Cooperate.
As a condition to receiving indemnification hereunder, the Board Member shall cooperate fully with the Union in the defense of any such claim or action.
6(d): Notice.
The Board Member shall promptly notify the Union in writing of any claim or action for which the Board Member seeks indemnification hereunder.
6(e): Right to Select Counsel.
The Union shall have the right to select counsel to defend any such claim or action, provided that such counsel is qualified and experienced in handling similar matters.
6(f): Advancement of Expenses.
The Union shall, upon receipt of written request from a Board Member, advance reasonable legal expenses incurred by such Board Member in connection with any such claim or action, provided that such Board Member furnishes the Union with reasonable security for the repayment of such advanced expenses if it is ultimately determined that such Board Member is not entitled to indemnification hereunder.