9/30: Bargaining Update

Contract Bargaining is moving forward with CPPW doing the majority of the heavy lifting to propose articles and craft language. The City has taken a lackadaisical attitude, offering few counters and seeming to hope they can just drag their feet through the rest of 2024. That won’t work for us!

Your Bargaining Team offered 7 counter-proposed articles: 

  1. Professional Development – We are proposing a $165,000 fund, up from the City’s $100,000 offer.
  1. Retirement – Continuity of retirement with City continuing to cover the 6% contribution.
  1. Health & Welfare/insurance – Securing CPPW a voice at the Labor Management Health Care Committee to drive the future of health coverage at the City.
  1. Recognition – Establishing who we represent and making a clear distinction about supervisors versus staff.
  1. General Provisions – An overarching article that includes Uniform Protective Clothing allowance, requirements for Contract Printing, outline of Reasonable Employment Accommodations, Workload management, requirement to negotiate any Change in Working Conditions, and Rules, Department Policies and Employment Policies and Practices
  1. Joint Labor Management Committee – Citywide body to address issues important to the membership outside of contract negotiations
  2. Union Security – Guarantees rights for the union in the workplace, including right to communicate with members, leave time for union work, paid time to represent members, and protections for union activity.

The City offered 1 counter-proposal:

  • Vacations – standard vacation practices, and, importantly, they removed CPPW proposal for up to 80 hours of vacation cash out once per year.This seems like an unnecessary position to take for the City since the vacation cash out option is a cost neutral program that the City could easily implement based on the framework already set up for other unions.


Next Session: October 14, 10am – 4pm, Portland Building Room 108.

  • The City will be providing a presentation on Class and Comp to explain how they structure wages and implement pay equity.
  • CPPW will be presenting counter offers on Leaves (sick, family, vacations).
  • We are seeking testimony from people who have stories to tell about leaves. Has lack of leave affected you? Are you consistently losing vacation and could benefit from the cash out? Would protected Gender Affirming Care Leave benefit you? Email [email protected]
  • All members are encouraged to attend the bargaining session for the City presentation and CPPW testimonies!

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