This page is regularly updated with provisions from the most recent bargaining session. Check out bargaining updates from our team here.
Articles are updated to this last bargaining session: March 5th, 2025
Bargaining is a dynamic process of back and forth between your union and the City. Every item below that is not a Tentative Agreement is subject to change.
Proposals with Tentative Agreement:
- Data Breech
- Discipline and Discharge
- Drug and Alcohol Use
- Grievance Procedure
- Savings Clause
- Security (Final Version coming soon)
- Preamble
- Reclassification
- Retirement (Final Version coming soon)
Proposals (some are pdf and some are .doc):
- Accretion (CPPW 1), City Counter: Total Removal
- AI and Technology (CPPW 1)
- Bargaining Unit Work (CPPW 1)
- Date Retention, Breeches, and Rights (CPPW 1), City Counter 1 (TA)
- Duration (City 1), Duration (CPPW Counter1), CPPW Counter 2, City Counter 2
- Existing Conditions (CPPW 1)
- Family Leave (CPPW 1), City Counter: Individual Rights
- General Provisions (CPPW 1), City Counter 2, CPPW Counter 2
- City Counter: Classification Study
- City Counter: Probation, CPPW Counter 2
- Health and Welfare (CPPW 1), City Counter 2
- Holidays (CPPW 1), CPPW Counter 2, City Counter 2, CPPW Counter 2
- Hours of Work (City 1), CPPW Counter 1
- Hybrid and Remote Work (CPPW 1), City Counter 2,
- Joint Labor Management Committee (CPPW 1), City Counter: Total Removal
- Leaves of Absence (CPPW 1), City Counter 2, CPPW Counter 2, City Counter 2
- Management Rights, City 1
- Overtime (CPPW 1), City Counter 2
- Performance Standards (Earned Leave) (CPPW 1), City Counter 2, CPPW Counter 2
- Professional Development (CPPW 1), City Counter 2
- Reasonable Suspicion of Drug and Alcohol (City 1)
- Reclassification (CPPW 1), City Counter 1
- Reductions in Workforce and Layoffs (CPPW 1), CPPW Addendum 2, City Counter 2, CPPW Counter 3
- Retirement (CPPW1), City Counter 2
- Scope (City 1), City 2
- Shifts (CPPW 1)
- Sick Leave (CPPW 1), City Counter 2, CPPW Counter 2, City Counter 2
- Standby/Callback (CPPW 1)
- Strike/Lockout (CPPW 1)
- Types of Employees (CPPW 1), City Counter 2, CPPW Counter 2, City Counter 3, CPPW Counter 3
- Union Security & Activities (City Counter 1), CPPW Counter 1
- Vacation (CPPW 1), City Counter 2, CPPW Counter 2
- Wages: General Proposal (CPPW 1), City Counter 2, CPPW Counter 3, CPPW Counter 4, City Counter 4, Class Compensation Agreement
- Wages: Wage Step System